Wednesday, 5 May 2010

The real stitch up!

For once I agree with Tony Blair. For the first time since around 2001. Vote with your heart this election. David Cameron of course has been quick to warn voters against this. Warning of political stitch up should there be a hung/balanced parliament. But then he would. For without a clear majority he'll be unable to decimate the welfare state, part privatize the education system, build more nuclear power stations, stop and search immigrants, encourage the election of reactionary police chiefs, underfund devolved government and communities, and let the richest in society off inheritance tax. All of which are pretty much manifesto pledges once you read between the blue veined lines.

Of course the real stitch up is not the possibility of hung parliament. It is the system which has since 1950 allowed the tories to take on average 40% of the popular vote but maintain an average of 46% of the parliamentary seats. What is 6% among cronies? It is an average head start of at least 36 seats, and assuming Labour enjoy a similar advantage we have 12% or around 65 seats in the UK parliament that are taken out of the democratic equation before even a vote is cast. If this is democracy then I'm champion the Wonder Horse. For me the current situation is an abuse every bit as bad as the 2 member constituencies that existed prior to the Representation Of the People Act of 1948.

The stitch up Mr Cameron is the privilege and bias throughout our society that gives your ilk an unfair crack of the whip. This imbalance can only be undone by the people.

So yeah, vote with your hearts. And if you live in Wales vote with your heads too. Vote Plaid.

My sources for the stats above are here and I guess are more or less accurate:

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

A post in haste

It is demanding wok keeping a blog going with no time to spare. Even when I have a moment so much has passed it seems difficult to prioritise what to write about.

So let's keep this simple and succinct

Of all the parties in wales Plaid have the most socialist and radical agenda. Disillusioned labour voters not preocuupied with immigration paranoias need to look no further.

For those who vote on pragmatics rather than ideals- of all the principle parties in Wales only Plaid are committed to protecting Wales and our communities from the cuts outlined by the other 3 parties- ensuring Wales hets equal treatment with other parts of the UK. There are, if you like, £300 million reasons to vote Plaid.

A vote for Plaid is a vote for protection of public services, a vote for electoral reform, a vote for the anti- war movement, a vote for the environment, and a vote against the private sector interests who practically bankrupted the UK and now stand to profit while we pay more in tax. A vote for Plaid is a vote for the democratic left and a vote for Welsh communities.

On Thursday therefore- Vote Plaid.
