Thursday, 4 March 2010

Tory's show their form (again)

As this sorry sagademonstrates somethings never change. If it is not George Osbourne languishing on billionaire's yachts it is the whole damn tory party whoring the already dubious British 'honours' system, in exchange for some tax exempt cash to bolster their election campaign.

Cameron may well claim the tories are some latter day party of the people, but only if those people are wheeling heads of industry, who have been dodging taxes in one of the poorer countries of Central America for years. To quote the Belize Prime Minister on Ashcrofts supposed tax dodging there.

"Ashcroft is an extremely powerful man. His net worth may well be equal to Belize's entire GDP. He is nobody to cross."

Ashcroft's reluctance to contribute in eglatarian fashion should have come as no surprise to the Tories. And their pleads of ignorance in this case reflect either incompetence or corruption- or most probably both.

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